What's Good Blog Spot Folks
It's Me Again Artistic and Today I am Goona Talk About:
Drag Me To Hell:
Blind Date:
People Not Getting the "Hint":
It's Me Again Artistic and Today I am Goona Talk About:
Drag Me To Hell:
Blind Date:
People Not Getting the "Hint":
And Anything else that i can think of?
(Caution) My blog's tend 2be Random lol
Drag Me To Hell:
Alright went to see that movie the other day with some friends and i thought it was a pretty funny movie lol. Sadly it was supposed tobe a Horror movie but instead it was like a comedy!?!? A old lady Seeking revenge on a Poor average white girl....Go figure (-_-) Now think about..How many blk people do you see this happening too? Just as i thought None lol. Yeah but the movie is pretty good tho..a must see with friends lol.....i give it a 7/10 due to me laughing my ass off (lmao)
Blind Dates: aka Photogenic Bitches lol
Now sadly ive went on a so/so thing called a blind date but i really don't wanna call it that but ehh shit happens. So recently i met a Young lady and we have been talking in stuff and i saw her pics and was like ok..she cute in shit so why not right?!?!. This is the part of my adventure where it gets stupid funny and the phrase "Photogenic Bitches" Come's from...I'll give you a quick Summary of the word.
-PhotoGenic Bitches-
People who take good ass pictures and look good as a bitch (women) pretty much its a mind game that fools you when you see them on camera or on a website or even on Tv. Ya Know when your watching Tv or a Movie and your like damn she looks good? and then you see them in person your like....WTF O Sea'Donkey Looking Bitch lol. yeah but you pretty much get it right ...ok back to my story now..
So yeah im talking to the young lady on the phone and we are just chatting up a storm about random shit, and while she was yapping i was looking through her myspace pic's and was like o ok she cute as a bitch. Not knowing that she was 1 of those people who could take pictures real well (Photogenic) So i decided to tell my Lawyer about this and he also looks at the pics says the same thing. Yeah so we decided to meet up 1 day and BAM that's When i was like...Never again lol. We Met up and i was like......that aint you on myspace lol...thinking to myself im like you photogenic o'l looking ass lol. Dang can't run now lol.....................So that so called blind dated ended up with us just chillaxing...Most people would just sleep with a person when they first meet them and then never talk to them again (O'Snap) but ehh not everybody thinks the same lol.
People Not Getting the Hint:
Sometimes i dont understand the subject my damn self but hey im only human (-_-) yeah but these days people are throwing hints out and folks cant seem to get it?!? You tell the person 1 thing and at first they seem to get it right? and then later on in life or whatever, you get a random ass hello from the person you just recently gave the hint too?!?! in your head your mind is already made up and you already know the reason why your not talking to the person anymore....but do you think that person gets the Hint.....Nope Do you anwser any phone calls or messages or anything that person sends your way.....Nope You just sit there and wait till that person gets...........The Hint lol (random dumbness)
Hmmmm what else can i talk about ?!?!?
O yeah sadly imma go see that movie twilight part 2 when it comes out. Don't Know why b/c i didn't like the first 1..Shit was whack but when i saw the previews for part II i was like damn i gotta go see this movie?!?!?!
Well thats about it for Now:
Thanks For Reading My Random Ass Blog Until Next Time...... Later Bitches lol And Always Remember.............If Your Happy Im Happy lol
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