Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lets Continue To Bitch About Stupid Things.......

These Are the 2 Nigga Robots LMAO

LOS ANGELES - Harmless comic characters or racist robots?

The buzz over the summer blockbuster "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" only grew Wednesday as some said two jive-talking Chevy characters were racial caricatures.

Skids and Mudflap, twin robots disguised as compact hatchbacks, constantly brawl and bicker in rap-inspired street slang. They're forced to acknowledge that they can't read. One has a gold tooth.

As good guys, they fight alongside the Autobots and are intended to provide comic relief. But their traits raise the specter of stereotypes most notably seen when Jar Jar Binks, the clumsy, broken-English speaking alien from "Star Wars: Episode IThe Phantom Menace," was criticized as a caricature.

One fan called the Transformers twins "Jar Jar Bots" in a blog post online.

Todd Herrold, who watched the movie in New York City, called the characters "outrageous."

"It's one thing when robot cars are racial stereotypes," he said, "but the movie also had a bucktoothed black guy who is briefly in one scene who's also a stereotype."

"They're like the fools," said 18-year-old Nicholas Govede, also of New York City. "The comic relief in a degrading way."

Not all fans were offended. Twin brothers Jason and William Garcia, 18, who saw the movie in Miami, said they related to the characters — not their illiteracy, but their bickering.

"They were hilarious," Jason said. "Every movie has their standout character, and I think they were the ones for this movie."

In Atlanta, Rico Lawson said people were reading too much into the characters. "It was actually funny," said Lawson, 25, who saw the movie with his girlfriend in Atlanta.

That was the aim, director Michael Bay said in an interview.

"It's done in fun," he said. "I don't know if it's stereotypes — they are robots, by the way. These are the voice actors. This is kind of the direction they were taking the characters and we went with it."

Bay said the twins' parts "were kind of written but not really written, so the voice actors is when we started to really kind of come up with their characters."

Actor Reno Wilson, who is black, voices Mudflap. Tom Kenny, the white actor behind SpongeBob SquarePants, voices Skids.

Wilson said Wednesday that he never imagined viewers might consider the twins to be racial caricatures. When he took the role, he was told that the alien robots learned about human culture through the Web and that the twins were "wannabe gangster types."

"It's an alien who uploaded information from the Internet and put together the conglomeration and formed this cadence, way of speaking and body language that was accumulated over X amount of years of information and that's what came out," the 40-year-old actor said. "If he had uploaded country music, he would have come out like that."

It's not fair to assume the characters are black, he said.

"It could easily be a Transformer that uploaded Kevin Federline data," Wilson said. "They were just like posers to me."

Kenny did not respond to an interview request Wednesday.

"I purely did it for kids," the director said. "Young kids love these robots, because it makes it more accessible to them."

Screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman said they followed Bay's lead in creating the twins. Still, the characters aren't integral to the story, and when the action gets serious, they disappear entirely, notes Tasha Robinson, associate entertainment editor at The Onion.

"They don't really have any positive effect on the film," she said. "They only exist to talk in bad ebonics, beat each other up and talk about how stupid each other is."

Hollywood has a track record of using negative stereotypes of black characters for comic relief, said Todd Boyd, a professor of popular culture at the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts, who has not seen the "Transformers" sequel.

"There's a history of people getting laughs at the expense of African-Americans and African-American culture," Boyd said. "These images are not completely divorced from history even though it's a new movie and even though they're robots and not humans."

American cinema also has a tendency to deal with race indirectly, said Allyson Nadia Field, an assistant professor of cinema and media studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.

"There's a persistent dehumanization of African-Americans throughout Hollywood that displaces issues of race onto non-human entities," said Field, who also hasn't seen the film. "It's not about skin color or robot color. It's about how their actions and language are coded racially."

If these characters weren't animated and instead played by real black actors, "then you might have to admit that it's racist," Robinson said. "But stick it into a robot's mouth, and it's just a robot, it's OK."

But if they're alien robots, she continued, "why do they talk like bad black stereotypes?"

Bay brushes off any whiff of controversy.

"Listen, you're going to have your naysayers on anything," he said. "It's like is everything going to be melba toast? It takes all forms and shapes and sizes."

Monday, June 1, 2009

I Kicked A Old Lady Down A Well......And She Said....

What's Good Blog Spot Folks
It's Me Again Artistic and Today I am Goona Talk About:

Drag Me To Hell:

Blind Date:

People Not Getting the "Hint":

And Anything else that i can think of?

(Caution) My blog's tend 2be Random lol

Drag Me To Hell:
Alright went to see that movie the other day with some friends and i thought it was a pretty funny movie lol. Sadly it was supposed tobe a Horror movie but instead it was like a comedy!?!? A old lady Seeking revenge on a Poor average white girl....Go figure (-_-) Now think about..How many blk people do you see this happening too? Just as i thought None lol. Yeah but the movie is pretty good tho..a must see with friends lol.....i give it a 7/10 due to me laughing my ass off (lmao)

Blind Dates: aka Photogenic Bitches lol
Now sadly ive went on a so/so thing called a blind date but i really don't wanna call it that but ehh shit happens. So recently i met a Young lady and we have been talking in stuff and i saw her pics and was like ok..she cute in shit so why not right?!?!. This is the part of my adventure where it gets stupid funny and the phrase "Photogenic Bitches" Come's from...I'll give you a quick Summary of the word.

-PhotoGenic Bitches-
People who take good ass pictures and look good as a bitch (women) pretty much its a mind game that fools you when you see them on camera or on a website or even on Tv. Ya Know when your watching Tv or a Movie and your like damn she looks good? and then you see them in person your like....WTF O Sea'Donkey Looking Bitch lol. yeah but you pretty much get it right ...ok back to my story now..

So yeah im talking to the young lady on the phone and we are just chatting up a storm about random shit, and while she was yapping i was looking through her myspace pic's and was like o ok she cute as a bitch. Not knowing that she was 1 of those people who could take pictures real well (Photogenic) So i decided to tell my Lawyer about this and he also looks at the pics says the same thing. Yeah so we decided to meet up 1 day and BAM that's When i was like...Never again lol. We Met up and i was like......that aint you on myspace lol...thinking to myself im like you photogenic o'l looking ass lol. Dang can't run now lol.....................So that so called blind dated ended up with us just chillaxing...Most people would just sleep with a person when they first meet them and then never talk to them again (O'Snap) but ehh not everybody thinks the same lol.

People Not Getting the Hint:
Sometimes i dont understand the subject my damn self but hey im only human (-_-) yeah but these days people are throwing hints out and folks cant seem to get it?!? You tell the person 1 thing and at first they seem to get it right? and then later on in life or whatever, you get a random ass hello from the person you just recently gave the hint too?!?! in your head your mind is already made up and you already know the reason why your not talking to the person anymore....but do you think that person gets the Hint.....Nope Do you anwser any phone calls or messages or anything that person sends your way.....Nope You just sit there and wait till that person gets...........The Hint lol (random dumbness)

Hmmmm what else can i talk about ?!?!?
O yeah sadly imma go see that movie twilight part 2 when it comes out. Don't Know why b/c i didn't like the first 1..Shit was whack but when i saw the previews for part II i was like damn i gotta go see this movie?!?!?!

Well thats about it for Now:
Thanks For Reading My Random Ass Blog Until Next Time...... Later Bitches lol And Always Remember.............If Your Happy Im Happy lol